Episode 86 - How to Overcome Fear of Missing out with ME/CFS

Say No & Feel Great? Here's How! ✨

Ever felt bad for turning down invites or wished you were out there doing everything your friends are? 

We've all been there, feeling that tug of missing out. 

But imagine flipping that feeling into something positive!

In our newest video, we're diving into how saying "no" can actually make you happier. 

Yep, you heard that right! It's about swapping FOMO (fear of missing out) for JOMO (joy of missing out).

  • Simple Shifts, Big Difference: Learn easy ways to feel good about the choices you make for your health.
  • Energy Boost: Find out how choosing what's right for you can save energy and boost your mood.
  • Quick Tip to Change Your Mindset: We share a super simple trick that'll help you start seeing "no" as your new "yes" to health and happiness.

Ready to turn your missed outings into a win for your wellbeing? 

Watch how embracing JOMO can transform your recovery and everyday joy.


Click here for the transcript


Here are 4 ways we can help.

1. Join our free community to meet others, be inspired, and get more recovery info - https://www.facebook.com/groups/cfshealthrecoveryhub 

2. Watch the newly released past members "Guest Panel" Workshop where they share their top 5 recovery secrets - https://www.cfshealth.com/guestpanelreplay 

3. Get our free most popular recovery trainings:
- Find your baseline - Stop pushing and crashing - https://www.cfshealth.com/baseline 
- The 3 stages of recovery and what to do in each one - https://www.cfshealth.com/the3stages 
- The "9 do's and don’ts" PDF - to decrease symptoms and improve energy - https://www.Cfshealth.com/pdf 

4. Want to help professionally with a step-by-step recovery plan specific to you? Fill out the application form and the team will send you the details - https://www.cfshealth.com/form 











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