Episode 52 - 3 Key Mistakes with Exercise and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Recovery

In today’s episode we give you 3 key mistakes to avoid when it comes to exercise and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

If you want to stop feeling worse and stop going around in circles when it comes to recovery…this episode is for you!!

Enjoy the episode.


Click here for the transcript

 Here are 4 ways we can help.

1. Join our free community to meet others, be inspired, and get more recovery info - https://www.facebook.com/groups/cfshealthrecoveryhub 

2. Watch the newly released past members "Guest Panel" Workshop where they share their top 5 recovery secrets - https://www.cfshealth.com/guestpanelreplay 

3. Get our free most popular recovery trainings:
- Find your baseline - Stop pushing and crashing - https://www.cfshealth.com/baseline 
- The 3 stages of recovery and what to do in each one - https://www.cfshealth.com/the3stages 
- The "9 do's and don’ts" PDF - to decrease symptoms and improve energy - https://www.Cfshealth.com/pdf 

4. Want to help professionally with a step-by-step recovery plan specific to you? Fill out the application form and the team will send you the details - https://www.cfshealth.com/form 


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